
Lead Testing

As part of our ongoing commitment to tenant health and safety, and in line with new Scottish legislation effective from March 1st, 2024, we are reaching out to those tenants who have yet to action the water lead testing in your rental property.

To ensure compliance with these new regulations, designed to safeguard against the potential health risks posed by the presence of lead in the drinking water, we kindly request each tenant to take the following steps:

Contact Scottish Water:

Please get in touch with Scottish Water to request a water lead test for your rental property. It is a straightforward process, and Scottish Water will guide you through the necessary steps. You can contact them on 0800 0778778

Provide Essential Information:

When contacting Scottish Water, you will need to provide specific information regarding your rental property, including the fact that it is managed by Struan Baptie Property Management. This will ensure that all communications and actions are correctly coordinated through our office.

Email Communication:

Crucially, when arranging the test with Scottish Water, please provide them with our contact email: contact@sb-pm.co.uk This ensures we are fully informed and can support the process on our end.

Reference Number:

After arranging the test, Scottish Water will provide you with a reference number. Please record this number and email it back to contact@sb-pm.co.uk This reference is vital for tracking and verifying the test has been conducted.

Why This Is Important:

Ensuring the safety of your drinking water is not just a legal obligation but a fundamental aspect of our commitment to your well-being. The detection and remediation of lead in water supply systems are critical to preventing potential health hazards.

Thank you for your attention to this matter and for taking the necessary steps to ensure the continued safety and compliance of your property.

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