
Home working

I never thought working from home could be so boring! You have this idea in your head of wearing your pyjamas and slippers (ok, I admit, I am currently wearing my slippers but no PJs!) and that home working would be so much better. I could lie back on my sofa, maybe Netflix on in the background, endless Facebook scrolling, cleaning my house at break times without my boss ever knowing! Unfortunately, reality soon kicked in and I can honestly say I have never wanted to be in the office so much as I do now and its only week 1!

We are all currently working from home with limited resources but we are carrying out a normal service as best as we can.

I have to admit, I was struggling yesterday with home working, not seeing my family and in general self-isolation which I am sure many of you can relate. But I had a lovely conversation with one of our clients and although we spoke briefly about her property, we chatted about other things and I ended the call feeling so much better. It really helps to talk to people right now, even if they are not family or friends. Our landlords can call us anytime to discuss their property rental, even if you just fancy a blether, it helps us just as much as it helps you!

A plus side of home working that I am enjoying is our teams Whatsapp group conversations and our daily Zoom meetings, however, I am starting to realise whichever way I face the camera, I have no good side and don’t’ get me started on my chin(s)!! I have never loved technology so much right now, it helps as all stay connected.

Tenants can still call us with repairs but they have to be emergency repairs only and tenants must inform us beforehand if they or anyone in their household are self-isolating and please let us know if you are unwell. This is to safeguard our contractors health and anyone else they might come into contact with. Our contractors will carry out an emergency repair keeping a minimum of 2m apart, washing hands frequently and wiping down all surfaces.

We are all doing this for a reason. We are doing it so we can fight this virus and come together again stronger as a team, a community and country. We have to remember the many workers still out there carrying out their duties and we are truly thankful for all our NHS, supermarket workers, delivery drivers, transport workers etc the list goes on.

I have heard from a few of our clients and friends, who have family members that work in the NHS say, that although they are scared, they have their job to do and right now, the country relies on them.

We all must do our bit to help the NHS and everyone around us by staying at home and only going out for the reasons listed by the Government. The weeks ahead are not going to be easy but we must all adhere to these rules or we could face even scarier times ahead.

Stay safe everyone (Louise)

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